Toplam kayıt 2755, listelenen: 1-10
Arap ayaklanmaları ve kırılgan devlette çocuk olmak: Mısır ve Suriye
(Işık Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2016-03-24)
2010 yılı sonunda Tunus’ta başlayan ve Mısır, Cezayir, Ürdün, Libya, Bahreyn, Yemen ve Suriye gibi Arap coğrafyasının farklı bölgelerine yayılan ayaklanmalar ile Ortadoğu’da devlet, devlettoplum ilişkileri yeniden tanımlanmaya ...
Resolution of an inverse parabolic problem using sinc-galerkin method
(Işık University Press, 2013-03-27)
In this paper, a numerical method is proposed to solve an Inverse Heat Conduction Problem (IHCP) using noisy data based on Sinc-Galerkin method. A stable numerical solution is determined for the problem. To do this, we use ...
The method of lines for the numerical solution of a mathematical model in the initiation of angiogenesis
(Işık University Press, 2013-04-04)
In this paper we present the method of lines to obtain the numerical solution of a mathematical model for the roles of endothelial, pericyte and macrophage cells in the initiation of tumor angiogenesis. This method is an ...
Evolution equations in weighted stepanov-like pseudo almost automorphic spaces
(Işık University Press, 2013-03-12)
In this paper, we obtain new existence and uniqueness theorem of weighted pseudo almost automorphic solutions for non-autonomous neutral partial evolution equations by applying the theory of semigroups of operators to ...
Solvability of iterative systems of three-point boundary value problems
(Işık University Press, 2013-08-01)
We establish a criterion for the existence of at least one positive solution for the iterative system of three-point boundary value problems by determining the eigenvalues ?i, 1 ? i ? n, using Guo–Krasnosel’skii fixed point ...
The exact traveling wave solutions to one integrable KDV6 equation
(Işık University Press, 2013-08-13)
The traveling wave system of one integrable KdV6 equation is studied by using Cosgrove’s method. Some exact explicit traveling wave solutions are obtained. The local dynamical behavior of some known equilibria are discussed.
Some fixed point theorems in partial metric spaces
(Işık University Press, 2013-03-31)
Here we prove two fixed point theorems on partial metric space, which was defined by S. Matthews [8] in 1994. In the literature one can find fixed point theorems proved on such spaces by using Picard iteration schemes. ...
Fixed point theorems in p?summable symmetric n?cone normed sequence spaces
(Işık University Press, 2013-07-09)
In this study fixed point theorems and related concepts in summable symmetric cone normed sequence spaces are investigated.
Codes on m-repeated solid burst errors
(Işık University Press, 2013-05-29)
In coding theory, several kinds of errors due to the different behaviours of communication channels have been considered and accordingly error detecting and error correcting codes have been constructed. In general communication ...
Discontinuities in the electromagnetic field
(Işık University Press, 2013)
[No abstract available]