Güncel Gönderiler: Dergiler / Journals
Toplam kayıt 1142, listelenen: 321-340
A maintenance model for a deteriorating system under random environment using partial product process
(Işık University Press, 2023-07)In this paper, deteriorating system maintenance model under random environment using partial product process is studied. Up to time t, assume that the number of random shocks generated by the random environment is a counting ... -
Distance eigenvalues, forwarding indices, and distance-based topological indices of complement of two circulant networks
(Işık University Press, 2023-07)Let n, a, h, and m be positive integers such that 2 ? a ? n/2 and m ? 2. In this research, we compute the exact value of the distance spectral radius, vertexforwarding index, and some distance-based topological indices of ... -
Uniform stabilization of the Petrovsky-Wave Nonlinear coupled system with strong damping
(Işık University Press, 2023-07)This paper concerns the well-posedness and uniform stabilization of the Petrovsky-Wave Nonlinear coupled system with strong damping. Existence of global weak solutions for this problem is established by using the Galerkin ... -
Hakem listesi ve teşekkür
(Işık Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2023-04-10)İlk sayımızda hakemlik yaparak dergimize katkıda bulunan değerli hocalarımıza ve meslektaşlarımıza teşekkür ederiz. -
Savunma sanayisinin güvenlik politikalarının yapımındaki rolü: otonomlaşmanın etkisi üzerine bir inceleme
(Işık Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2023-04-10)Savunma sanayisi ve güvenlik/savunma politikaları arasında tarihsel olarak iki yönlü bir etkileşim mevcuttur. Devletlerin belirledikleri güvenlik ihtiyaçları savunma sanayisinin üretimine yön verirken savunma sanayisinin ... -
The cryptocurrency bubble, blockchain and beyond
(Işık Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2023-04-10)This paper intends to shed light into the blockchain technology in general and the so-called cryptocurrency bubble in particular. After presenting the emergence of the blockchain technology in the context of the historical ... -
Digital surveillance during the Covid-19 pandemic: the case of Israel
(Işık Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2023-04-10)Different pandemics and diseases hit the world throughout history, and various measures were used to counter the threats posed by these diseases like quarantines or social exclusion. In parallel with this, using technology ... -
Soft somewhat continuous and soft somewhat open functions
(Işık University Press, 2023-04)In this paper, we define a soft somewhat open set using the soft interior operator. We study main properties the class of soft somewhat open sets that is contained in the class soft somewhere dense sets. Then, we introduce ... -
A new family of unit-distributions: definition, properties and applications
(Işık University Press, 2023-04)In this study, a new family of unit-distributions is introduced. Then, a unitGumbel distribution, member of the proposed family of unit-distributions, is obtained as an example, and some of its statistical properties are ... -
Somewhat neutrosophic ?-irresolute continuous mappings in neutrosophic topological spaces
(Işık University Press, 2023-04)One of the strongest form in a neutrosophic open sets is a neutrosophic ?open sets. Based on this open sets, the continuous mapping, open mapping and closed mapping functions are already defined in neutrosophic topological ... -
Middle graph of semiring valued graphs
(Işık University Press, 2023-04)In this paper, we define middle graph of semiring valued graph M(G^S) and study the regularity of M(G^S) where G^S is the semiring valued graph (or simply Svalued graph). -
A study on irregularity in vague graphs with application in social relations
(Işık University Press, 2023-04)Considering all physical, biological and social systems, fuzzy graph models serves the elemental processes of all natural and artificial structures. As the indeterminate information is an essential real-life problems, which ... -
Exact solitary wave solutions to the fractional Gerdjikov-Ivanov equation with conformable derivative
(Işık University Press, 2023-04)Searching for exact analytic solutions to the partial differential equations is one of the most challenging problems in mathematical physics. The main contribution in this paper is to consider the fractional Gerdjikov-Ivanov ... -
Hochstadt’s results for inverse Sturm–Liouville problems with finite number of transmission and parameter dependent boundary conditions
(Işık University Press, 2023-04)This paper deals with the boundary value problem involving the differential equation ?y ?? + qy = ?y, subject to the parameter dependent boundary conditions with finite number of transmission conditions. The potential ... -
Some novel schemes by using multiplicative calculus for nonlinear equations
(Işık University Press, 2023-04)In this paper, we suggest and analyze a new family of two-step predictor corrector type iterative schemes for solving nonlinear equations in the framework of multiplicative calculus. We also discuss the convergence criteria ... -
Subclasses of univalent functions related with functions of bounded radius rotation
(Işık University Press, 2023-04)This investigation is in twofold. Firstly, a comprehensive generalization of starlike functions is initiated. This notion gives more insight to the study of functions with bounded radius rotation. In this direction, we ... -
Applications of the operator r?s in q-polynomials
(Işık University Press, 2023-04)We establish r?s as a general operator for many q-operators. A new polynomials hn(a1, · · · , ar; b1, · · · , bs; x, y; q) are described as an extension of the bivariate Rogers-Szegö polynomial hn(x, y|q) and the generalized ... -
Interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy soft graph
(Işık University Press, 2023-04)One of the theories designed to deal with uncertainty is the soft set theory. These collections were used due to a lack of membership functions in the fields of decision-making, systems analysis, classification, data mining, ... -
A real time application on Neutrosophic Nano Soft Topology
(Işık University Press, 2023-04)In this paper, we introduce Neutrosophic Nano Topological Space inducedby soft set. The “Neutrosophic Nano Soft Topological Space”(NNSTS) is generated by soft lower approximation, soft upper approximation and soft boundary ... -
Bharath hub number of graphs
(Işık University Press, 2023-04)The mathematical model of a real world problem is designed as Bharath hub number of graphs. In this paper, we study the graph theoretic properties of this variant. Also, we give results for Bharath hub number of join and ...