Güncel Gönderiler: Turkic World Mathematical Society Journal of Applied and Engineering Mathematics
Toplam kayıt 1085, listelenen: 421-440
Inverse problem for Albertson irregularity index
(Işık University Press, 2022)Graph indices have attracted great interest as they give us numerical clues for several properties of molecules. Some indices give valuable information on the molecules under consideration using mathematical calculations ... -
Total global dominator chromatic number of graphs
(Işık University Press, 2022)Let G = (V, E) be k-colorable (k-vertex colorable) graph and Vi ⊆ V be the class of vertices with color i. Then we assume that f = (V1, V2, · · · , Vk) is a coloring of G. A vertex v ∈ V (G) is a dominator of f if v dominates ... -
Results on Möbius index for standard graphs
(Işık University Press, 2022)This paper is concerned with calculating the Möbius index values and arrived results for a few standard graphs. Some standard graphs which we considered are Path graph, Cycle graph, Complete Graph, Star Graph, Shell graph, ... -
Exponential fraction index of certain graphs
(Işık University Press, 2022)Topological indices play a great role in Mathematical chemistry. Many graph theorists as well as chemists attracted towards these molecular descriptors. The aim of this paper is to introduce and investigate the Exponential ... -
Quadripartitioned single valued neutrosophic rough sets and their applications in decision making
(Işık University Press, 2022)This paper introduces the notion of quadripartitioned single valued neutrosophic rough set. Some basic set metaphysical terminologies, operations and properties of quadripartitioned single valued neutrosophic rough set are ... -
Characterization of uniform and hybrid cellular automata with null boundary
(Işık University Press, 2022)In this article, we dispute about the characterization of Cellular automata with restricted vertical neighborhood and Von neumann neighborhood of null boundary conditions over the field Z₂ in uniform cellular automata and ... -
On some results of perfect dominations of some graphs
(Işık University Press, 2022)A dominating set D ⊆ V (G) of a simple graph G is the set of all u such that for every v ∈ V (G)\D, uv ∈ E(G). An independent set I ⊆ V (G) is a set of non-adjacent vertices in G. An independent dominating set Di ⊆ V (G) ... -
Sum divisor cordial labeling in the context of graphs operations on bistar
(Işık University Press, 2022)A sum divisor cordial labeling of a graph G with vertex set V (G) is a bijection f : V (G) → {1, 2, 3, . . . , |V (G)|} such that an edge e = uv is assigned the label 1 if2|[f(u)+f(v)] and 0 otherwise, then the number of ... -
Certain expansion formulae of incomplete H-functions associated with Leibniz rule
(Işık University Press, 2022)In this article, we have derived some expansion formulae of the incomplete H-functions by the use of the Leibniz rule for the Riemann-Liouville type derivatives. Further, expansion formulae of the incomplete Meijer’s ... -
Fixed soft point theorems for generalized contractive mapping on soft metric spaces
(Işık University Press, 2022)In this paper, we introduce new notions in a soft metric space. We study a fixed soft point under generalized contractive conditions without mappings continuity. Further, we prove some results related to our generalization. ... -
On soft ỹ generalized closed sets
(Işık University Press, 2022)The purpose of this paper is to define some new classes of soft generalized closed sets, namely soft β- ỹg.closed, soft b- ỹg.closed, soft p- ỹg.closed, soft s- ỹg.closed, soft α- ỹg.closed and soft ỹg.closed by using soft ... -
Timed colored Petri Net generating Arrays
(Işık University Press, 2022)Motivated by Interval Timed Colored Petri Net and two dimensional Array generating Petri nets, this paper defines an Array Generating Timed Colored Petri Net. In this paper time has been associated with the tokens of the ... -
Eulerian and Hamiltonian properties of Gallai and anti-Gallai middle graphs
(Işık University Press, 2022)The Gallai middle graph ΓM(G) of a graph G = (V, E) is the graph whose vertex set is V ∪ E and two edges ei, ej ∈ E are adjacent in ΓM(G), if they are adjacent edges of G and do not lie on a same triangle in G, or if ei = ... -
On generalized interval valued fuzzy quasi-ideals of semigroups
(Işık University Press, 2022)In this paper, we give the concepts of generalized interval valued fuzzy subsemigroups, which are generalizations of the notion of interval valued fuzzy subsemigroups and of (ᾱ, β)-interval valued fuzzy subsemigroups, where ... -
Regularized trace formula for Sturm-Liouville problem with retarded argument and quadratically eigenparameter-dependent boundary condition
(Işık University Press, 2022)In this paper, a regularized trace formula for a discontinuous Sturm-Liouville equation with retarded argument is obtained for the case in which the spectral parameter occurs linearly in the equation and one of the boundary ... -
Characterization of semigroup by rough interval pythagorean fuzzy set
(Işık University Press, 2022)This paper expose a study on rough interval valued pythagorean fuzzy sets in semigroups. We characterize rough interval valued pythagorean fuzzy sets by an example. Characterize composition of two interval valued pythagorean ... -
Unit graph of type - 2
(Işık University Press, 2022)The unit graph of ring R was introduced in commutative rings by Vasantha Kandasamy[27]. In this short note, we introduce the concept namely “Unit graph of type-2” denoted by UG2(R) in associative rings R and announced a ... -
Outer-convex domination in the corona of graphs
(Işık University Press, 2022)Let G be a connected simple graph. A subset S of a vertex set V (G) is called an outer-convex dominating set of G if for every vertex v ∈ V (G)\S, there exists a vertex x ∈ S such that xv is an edge of G and V (G)\S is a ... -
(p, q)−Chebyshev polynomials and their applications to bi-univalent functions
(Işık University Press, 2022)In the present paper, a subclass of analytic and bi-univalent functions by means of (p, q)−Chebyshev polynomials is introduced. Certain coefficient bounds for functions belong to this subclass are obtained. Furthermore, ... -
Assessing the performance of insulating fluids via point of statistical inference view
(Işık University Press, 2022)In this paper, the statistical inference is used in order to study the performance or aging of the insulating fluids. Transformer oil is used as an example of insulating fluids. The insulation property of insulating oil ...