Güncel Gönderiler: Turkic World Mathematical Society Journal of Applied and Engineering Mathematics
Toplam kayıt 1085, listelenen: 701-720
Partition energy of some trees and their generalized complements
(Işık University Press, 2020)Let G = (V, E) be a graph and Pk = {V1, V2, . . . , Vk} be a partition of V . The k-partition energy of a graph G with respect to partition Pk is denoted by EPk (G) and is defined as the sum of the absolute values of ... -
Fuzzy perfect equitable domination excellent trees
(Işık University Press, 2020)A set D of vertices of a fuzzy graph G is a Perfect Dominating set if every vertex not in D is adjacent to exactly one vertex in D. In this paper, we discuss the concept of equitable excellent fuzzy graph, fuzzy equitable ... -
On ruled non-degenerate surfaces with Darboux frame in Minkowski 3-space
(Işık University Press, 2020)In this paper, ruled non-degenerate surfaces with respect to Darboux frame are studied. Characterization of them which are related to the geodesic torsion, the normal curvature and the geodesic curvature with respect to ... -
Numerical range and sub-self-adjoint operators
(Işık University Press, 2020)In this paper, we show that the numerical range of a bounded linear operatör T on a complex Hilbert space is a line segment if and only if there are scalars ? and µ such that T ? = ?T + µI, and we determine the equation ... -
Neighbourhoods of a certain subclass of strongly starlike functions
(Işık University Press, 2020)In this paper we introduce and study a new subclass of strongly starlike functions of order ? defined by convolution structure. We investigate neighbourhoods and coefficient bounds of this class. -
Simulation studies for credibility-based multi-objective linear programming problems with fuzzy parameters
(Işık University Press, 2020)In this paper, hybrid credibility-based multi-objective linear programming models are provided to optimize expected values of objective functions subject to fuzzy chance-constraints. Triangular or non-linear fuzzy numbers ... -
Long time behavior of the strongly damped wave equation with p-laplacian in R?
(Işık University Press, 2020)In this paper, the initial value problem for the one dimensional strongly damped wave equation with p-Laplacian and localized damping in the whole space is concerned. Under the condition 2 < p < 4, the existence of weak ... -
Novel technique for disjointed sum of products
(Işık University Press, 2020)A classical problem of Boolean theory is to derive a disjointed Sum of Prod-ucts. This work introduces a novel approach for converting Sum of Products into dis-jointed Sum of Products which is based on a novel, generally ... -
On Hardy type inequalities via K-fractional integrals
(Işık University Press, 2020)In this study, we will give the k-fractional integral inequalities to take advantage of the some results of Hardy type inequalities and some special cases. -
Hub-integrity polynomial of graphs
(Işık University Press, 2020)Graph polynomials are polynomials assigned to graphs. Interestingly, they also arise in many areas outside graph theory as well. Many properties of graph polynomials have been widely studied. In this paper, we introduce a ... -
On two identities for I-function
(Işık University Press, 2020)In this research note, two interesting identities involving I-function of one variable introduced by Rathie have been derived. These results enable us to split a particular I-function into the sum of four I-functions. A ... -
Fourth-order accurate method based on half-step cubic spline approximations for the 1d time-dependent quasilinear parabolic partial differential equations
(Işık University Press, 2020)In this article, we discuss a fourth-order accurate scheme based on cubic spline approximations for the solution of quasilinear parabolic partial differential equations (PDE). The stability of the scheme is discussed using ... -
Degree equivalence graph of a graph
(Işık University Press, 2020)Given a set S and an equivalence relation R on S, one can define an equivalence graph with vertex set S. Given a graph with vertex set V , we can define an equivalence relation on V using the concept of degree of a vertex ... -
On a class of p(x)-Kirhhoff type problems with Robin boundary conditions and indefinite weights
(Işık University Press, 2020)In this paper, we consider a class of p(x)-Kirhhoff type problems with Robin boundary conditions and indefinite weights. Under some suitable conditions on the nonlinearities, we establish the existence of at least one ... -
Seidel borderenergetic graphs
(Işık University Press, 2020)A graph G of order n is said to be Seidel borderenergetic if its Seidel energy equals the Seidel energy of the complete graph Kn. Let G be graph on n vertices with two distinct Seidel eigenvalues. In this paper, we prove ... -
Locally and weakly contractive principle in bipolar metric spaces
(Işık University Press, 2020)In this article, we introduce concepts of (?, ?)-uniformly locally contractive and weakly contractive mappings, which are generalizations of Banach contraction mapping, in bipolar metric spaces. Also, we express the results ... -
Existence and uniqueness of an inverse problem for a wave equation with dynamic boundary condition
(Işık University Press, 2020)In this paper, an initial boundary value problem for a wave equation with dynamic boundary condition is considered. Giving an additional condition, a timedependent coefficient is determined and existence and uniqueness ... -
Subclasses of multivalent functions of complex order associated with sigmoid function and bernoulli lemniscate
(Işık University Press, 2020)In this present work, subclasses of multivalent functions of complex order associated with simple logistic sigmoid activation function and Bernoulli Lemniscate were investigated. Early few coefficient bounds, relevant ... -
Convolutions of a subclass of harmonic univalent mappings
(Işık University Press, 2020)The main object of this paper is to investigate the convolution of a subclass of harmonic univalent mappings which is denoted by fa and generalized harmonic univalent mapping which is denoted by Pc. We obtained Pc ∗ fa is ... -
Periodic and semi-periodic eigenvalues of hill's equation with symmetric double well potential
(Işık University Press, 2020)In this paper, some estimates are derived explicitly for periodic and semiperiodic eigenvalues of Hill’ s equation with symmetric double well potentials. Also, lengths of the instability intervals are obtained and bounds ...