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Toplam kayıt 26, listelenen: 6-25

      Künye Göre
      Jain, M., Gupta, N. & Kumar, S. (2019). Common fixed point results for w-compatible mappings along with (CLRst) property in fuzzy metric spaces, TWMS Journal of Applied and Engineering Mathematics, 9(4), 851-863. [1]
      Javaid, M., Raheem, A., Abbas, M. & Cao, J. (2019). M-polynomial method for topological indices of 3-layered probabilistic neural networks. TWMS Journal of Applied and Engineering Mathematics, 9(4), 864-875. [1]
      Kandan, P. (2019). Status connectivity indices of cartesian product of graphs. TWMS Journal of Applied and Engineering Mathematics, 9(4), 747-754. [1]
      Kaya Gök, G. (2019). Some bounds on the Seidel energy of graphs. TWMS Journal of Applied and Engineering Mathematics, 9(4), 949-956. [1]
      Khalaf, S. I. & Mathad, V. (2019). On hubtic and restrained hubtic of a graph. TWMS Journal of Applied and Engineering Mathematics, 9(4), 930-935. [1]
      Kumar, A. & Rai, V. (2019). Approximation by Stancu type Jakimovski-Leviatan-Păltănea operators. TWMS Journal of Applied and Engineering Mathematics, 9(4), 936-948. [1]
      Kutucu, H., Gürsoy, A., Kurt, M. & Nuriyev, U. (2019). On the solution approaches of the band collocation problem. TWMS Journal of Applied and Engineering Mathematics, 9(4), 724-734. [1]
      Lokesha, V., Muddalapuram, M. & Devendraiah, K. M. (2019). Adriatic indices and sanskruti index envisage of carbon nanocone. TWMS Journal of Applied and Engineering Mathematics, 9(4), 830-837. [1]
      Nosrati, S. & Zireh, A. (2019). On starlike harmonic functions. TWMS Journal of Applied and Engineering Mathematics, 9(4), 704-711. [1]
      Nur, C. & Veliev, O. (2019). On the estimations of the small eigenvalues of non-self-adjoint Sturm-Liouville operators. TWMS Journal of Applied and Engineering Mathematics, 9(4), 882-893. [1]
      Özkan, M., Dertli, A. & Çengellenmiş, Y. (2019). On gray images of constacyclic codes over the finite ring F₂ + u₁F₂ + u₂F₂. TWMS Journal of Applied and Engineering Mathematics, 9(4), 876-881. [1]
      Parida, P., Paikray, S. K., Dash, M. & Misra, U. (2019). Degree of approximation by product (Ṅ, pn, qn)(E, q) summability of fourier serıes of a signal belonging to Lip(α, r)-class. TWMS Journal of Applied and Engineering Mathematics, 9(4), 901-908. [1]
      Patel, M. A. & Desai, N. B. (2019). An approximate analytical solution of one-dimensional groundwater recharge by spreading. TWMS Journal of Applied and Engineering Mathematics, 9(4), 838-850. [1]
      Porwal, S. (2019). Some inclusion relations between various subclasses of planar harmonic mappings involving confluent hypergeometric distribution series. TWMS Journal of Applied and Engineering Mathematics, 9(4), 921-929. [1]
      Prakasha, K. N., Kiran, K. & Rakshith, S. (2019). Randic type SDI index of certain graphs. TWMS Journal of Applied and Engineering Mathematics, 9(4), 894-900. [1]
      Raheem, A., Javaid, M., Umar, M. A. & Lau, G. C. (2019). On super (a, d)-eat valuation of subdivided caterpillar. TWMS Journal of Applied and Engineering Mathematics, 9(4), 693-703. [1]
      Sarıkaya, M. Z., Budak, H. & Usta, F. (2019). On generalized the conformable fractional calculus. TWMS Journal of Applied and Engineering Mathematics, 9(4), 792-799. [1]
      Set, E. & Mumcu, İ. (2019). On new Grüss type inequalities for conformable fractional integrals. TWMS Journal of Applied and Engineering Mathematics, 9(4), 755-763. [1]
      Sharma, K. & Sharma, U. (2019). Annihilator domination number of tensor product of path graphs. TWMS Journal of Applied and Engineering Mathematics, 9(4), 800-809. [1]
      Suthar, D., Mishra, L. N., Alaria, A. & Khan, A. M. (2019). Fractional integrals for the product of Srivastava's polynomial and (p, q)-extended hypergeometric function. TWMS Journal of Applied and Engineering Mathematics, 9(4), 822-829. [1]