Gelişmiş Arama

Toplam kayıt 23, listelenen: 1-20

      Künye Göre
      Abekah-Brown, M. A. (2024). A review of "The Fourth Industrial Revolution" by Klaus Schwab. Social Review of Technology and Change, 2(1), 99-103. [1]
      Aktay, H. (2023). Yeni dijital çağ. Social Review of Technology and Change, 1(1), 136-144. [1]
      Albasar, İ. D. (2023). Emerging technologies and international security: machines, the state, and war. Social Review of Technology and Change, 1(2), 113-118. [1]
      Barıt, H. B. (2023). Digital surveillance during the Covid-19 pandemic: the case of Israel. Social Review of Technology and Change, 1(1), 52-67. [1]
      Çağlar, M. T. & Gülmez, L. (2023). Savaşın yeni araçları: silahlı insansız hava araçlarının (SİHA) yayılması ve büyük güçlerden devlet dışı aktörlere SİHA kullanımı. Social Review of Technology and Change, 1(2), 23-47. [1]
      Duygulu Ercim, Ş. (2023). Savunma sanayisinin güvenlik politikalarının yapımındaki rolü: otonomlaşmanın etkisi üzerine bir inceleme. Social Review of Technology and Change, 1(1), 18-33. [1]
      Eyüpgiller, S. S. (2023). Türk vergi sisteminde dijital dönüşümde önemli bir dönem: 2017-2021. Social Review of Technology and Change, 1(1), 68-100. [1]
      Görkey, S. (2024). İktisatta kullanılan dijitalleşme ölçü birimleri üzerine bir değerlendirme. Social Review of Technology and Change, 2(1), 43-64. [1]
      Güzelsoy, H. (2024). Saito, K. (2023). Marx in the Anthropocene: Towards the idea of degrowth communism. Cambridge University Press. Social Review of Technology and Change, 2(1), 104-107. [1]
      Hanbay, Y. H. & Yıldırım, E. (2023). Genç ve yaşlı yetişkinlerdeki sosyal medya kullanımının psikolojik iyi oluş üzerindeki etkisi. Social Review of Technology and Change, 1(1), 34-51. [1]
      Karakaya Polat, R. (2024). Biometric technology and policy narratives on migration control: the case of Turkey. Social Review of Technology and Change, 2(1), 65-84. [1]
      Karaömerlioğlu, A. (2023). The cryptocurrency bubble, blockchain and beyond. Social Review of Technology and Change, 1(1), 4-17. [1]
      Kayhan Pusane, Ö. (2024). Turkey’s emerging dichotomy between Erbil and Sulaimaniyah, Iraqi Development Road project and the fight against the PKK. Social Review of Technology and Change, 2(1), 85-98. [1]
      Koloğlugil, S. (2023). Knowledge economy and the emergence of less-hierarchical organizational structures: an institutionalist approach. Social Review of Technology and Change, 1(2), 1-22. [1]
      Koloğlugil, S. (2023). Önsöz. Social Review of Technology and Change, 1(1), 1-3. [1]
      Mahmuzlu, E. (2023). Güney Karadeniz gemilerinin teknolojik dönüşümü (1792-1829). Social Review of Technology and Change, 1(1), 101-120. [1]
      Maksudyan, N. (2024). “Sound-Writing” technologies and early field recordings in the Ottoman Empire. Social Review of Technology and Change, 2(1), 1-21. [1]
      Sert, B. & Ülker, S. V. (2023). A review of LWIC and machine learning approaches on mental health diagnosis. Social Review of Technology and Change, 1(2), 71-92. [1]
      SRTC Editörler Kurulu (2023). Hakem listesi ve teşekkür. Social Review of Technology and Change, 1(1), 145-145. [1]
      Susanlı, Z. B. (2023). Unemployment and homeownership in Turkey: a preliminary analysis. Social Review of Technology and Change, 1(1), 121-135. [1]