Güncel Gönderiler: Isik University Institutional Repository
Toplam kayıt 2672, listelenen: 301-320
Fork-decomposition of total graph of corona graphs
(Işık University Press, 2024-10)Let G = (V, E) be a graph. Then the total graph of G is the graph T(G) with vertex set V (G) ∪ E(G) in which two elements are adjacent if and only if they are either adjacent or incident with each other. The corona of two ... -
Morphisms on middle graph of semiring valued graphs
(Işık University Press, 2024-10)The middle graph M(G) of a graph G is an intersection graph on the vertex set V (G) of any graph G. Let E(G) be an edge set of G and F = V’ (G) ∪ E(G), where V’ (G) indicates the family of all one vertex subsets of the set ... -
Discrete linear quadratic optimization problem with constraints in the form of equalities on control action
(Işık University Press, 2024-10)In the paper the discrete linear quadratic optimization problem, where, over a certain part of the time interval, some coordinates of the control actions are known constants. These equalities in the form of a penalty ... -
Whittaker’s equation-based formulation of a new class of analytic functions combined with geometric analysis
(Işık University Press, 2024-10)A special function is a function with a particular use in mathematical physics or another branch of mathematics and is often named after an early scientist who researched its characteristics. A few noteworthy instances ... -
Coupled system of nonlinear impulsive hybrid differential equations with linear and nonlinear perturbations
(Işık University Press, 2024-10)In the present paper, we prove the existence and uniqueness of solutions to impulsive coupled system of nonlinear hybrid fractional differential equations involving Caputo fractional derivative of order α ∈ (0, 1) with ... -
On new forms of bi-ideal nano open sets
(Işık University Press, 2024-10)The idea of nano topology was proposed by M.L. Thivagar. Since then, various researchers have worked on generalizing this theory. Bi-ideal nano topology was generated by approximation using two ideals. Motivated by the ... -
Homomorphic product of soft directed graphs
(Işık University Press, 2024-10)A graph with directed edges is referred to be directed graph. It is possible to study and resolve problems with social connections, shortest paths, electrical circuits, etc. using directed graphs. D. Molodtsov proposed ... -
Testing local hypotheses with different types of incomplete data
(Işık University Press, 2024-10)In this work, we consider a general framework of incomplete data which includes many types of censoring and truncation models. Under this framework and assuming that the distribution of interest has a parametric form, we ... -
Generalized solutions for fractional Schrödinger equation
(Işık University Press, 2024-10)This paper focuses on the fractional Schr¨odinger problem with the use of a new fractional derivative. Using Banach’s fixed point theorem and Laplace transforms, we give and prove the integral solution of the problem. In ... -
New bounds on recent topological indices of graphs
(Işık University Press, 2024-10)The Geometric-Harmonic index GH(ζ) of a simple graph ζ is defined as the sum of the terms (dζ(f)+dζ(g))√dζ(f)·dζ(g)/2 over all edges fg of ζ and the modified first Kulli-Basava index KB*₁ of a simple graph ζ is defined as ... -
A fitted numerical technique for singularly perturbed delay differential equations with integral boundary condition
(Işık University Press, 2024-10)In this paper, we present a fitted numerical scheme for singularly perturbed delay differential equations with integral boundary conditions. To develop the scheme, the exact and approximate rules of integration with finite ... -
Prime - antimagic labeling of graphs in power management system
(Işık University Press, 2024-10)Prime anti-magic labeling techniques play a vital role in various types of real-world applications in sensor networks, smart city management systems, security models, surveillance systems, and so on. A prime anti-magic ... -
Haar wavelets for the numerical study of a singularly perturbed reaction-diffusion problem with discontinuities
(Işık University Press, 2024-10)In this article, we presented a numerical approach based on non-uniform Haar wavelets to approximate the solution of a second-order singularly perturbed problems with discontinuous data. The solutions to such problems have ... -
2024-2025 Akademik Yılı Oryantasyon Programı
(Işık Üniversitesi, 2024-10-02)Işık Üniversitesi 2024-2025 Akademik Yılı Oryantasyon Programı videosuna erişim ve deşifresidir. -
2024-2025 AKADEMİK YILI AÇILIŞ TÖRENİ | Maslak Kampüsü
(Işık Üniversitesi, 2024-10-02)Maslak kampüsümüzdeki Meslek Yüksekokulu ve Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü'nde 2024-2025 Akademik Yılına “Merhaba” dedik! Meslek Yüksekokulu Müdürü Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Yiğit Şerif Karabulut, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü görevini ... -
2024-2025 AKADEMİK YILI AÇILIŞ TÖRENİ | Şile Kampüsü
(Işık Üniversitesi, 2024-09-27)2024-2025 Akademik Yılı Açılış Töreni 23 Eylül 2024 günü Şile kampüsünde gerçekleşti. Rektör Prof. Dr. Hasan Bülent Kahraman, Mütevelli Heyeti Başkanı Mehmet Serdar Sarıgül, Feyziye Mektepleri Vakfı Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı ... -
Prof. Dr. Dilek Teker | A Para
(A Para, 2024-09-17)Işık Üniversitesi İşletme Bölüm başkanı Prof. Dr. Dilek Teker'in A Para programına konuk olduğu ve Kripto Para Piyasasındaki son durumu ve beklentileri aktardığı videonun erişimi ve deşifresidir. -
Sadece doğa ile değil, kültür, sanat, spor, bilim ve teknolojiyle iç içe
(Işık Üniversitesi, 2024-09-06)Işık Üniversitesi'nin "Sadece doğayla değil, kültür, sanat, spor, bilim ve teknolojiyle iç içe" başlıklı yeni tercih yapacak öğrenciler için yaptığı tanıtım videosunun erişimidir. -
Bilgisayar Programcılığı Hakkında
(Işık Üniversitesi, 2024-09-05)Işık Üniversitesi Meslek Yüksekokulundan Öğr. Gör. Öner Aktaş'ın Bilgisayar Programcılığı hakkında bilgi verdiği videonun erişimdir. -
Işık Üniversitesi'nin Sanat Vizyonu ve Prof. Dr. Eva Şarlak'ın Perspektifinden Toplumsal Dönüşümün Mimarları
(Kreaktif Yayın Yapım İletişim A.Ş., 2024-03/04)Hem günceli her boyutuyla kucaklamak hem de geçmişle bağları ve bağlantıları koparmadan müfredata dengeli bir içerikle yansıtmak Işık Üniversitesi’nde sanat eğitimini ayrıcalıklı kılan bakış açımızın ana perspektifini ...